The first step towards solving a problem, is identifying it. I have a problem. I have stopped writing. Or rather, I have stopped blogging. I got stuck. I won’t get in to the plethora of reasons why I did, and what I did instead of writing (cursed Twitter, Facebook, etc…).
But I was blocked. Stuck. Immobile.
It seems, however, that in the last week or so, the tinglings and voices calling me back to my craft have been a little louder, as if they had recovered from the flu. (This is what I tell myself anyway).
And so the journey begins once again. I am going to be steadfast in my resolve and set up writing goals for myself. Hopefully they won’t be grand, unmanageable ones. We’ll see.
And hey, this counts. Right?
P.S. By the way, if you were looking for “Ro Ro Takes A Trip.” Part II, it is very likely there won’t be one. The feelings that moved me to write that post in the first place, are no longer present. I processed the trip in such a way, that I no longer feel the need to re-visit it. If you were looking forward to more, I am sorry, but I promise that what I would have written for Part II, would have been a bitter and perhaps cynical recounting of my trip. All that has changed. Keep tuned.