Spurned by a friend’s blog post, I thought I would take an informal poll (since I still don’t know about mysql!) on what my readers read. I’ve assigned random numbers to some choices and perhaps will then input the data in an excel spreadsheet and post it on here (gawd, I’m a nerd).
Basically, select the numbers and post them in comments.
* Do you read fiction or non fiction?
- Fiction 2. Non Fiction
* If you selected fiction, do you rather historical fiction, classics, science fiction, poetry?
- historical fiction 4. classics 5. science fiction 6. poetry
* If you selected non fiction, do you rather politics, biographies (auto and non), pop culture, how to books (not including cooking), cooking
- politics 8. biographies 9. pop culture 10. how to 11. cooking
Keep in mind that I don’t believe in absolutes, so you would/should have a combination of numbers as your answers. And feel free to share some odd titles or recommendations. I’ll be answering to these questions as well in the comments section.