I believe it’s official. I have lost my patience. I will no longer tolerate anyone, ANYONE who comes up to me with their petty problems. Not after hearing the stories from some of the kids I work with.
I don’t care anymore about if so and so isn’t talking to this and that. I don’t care that if you eat something it burns in your stomach or you feel light headed. Or you can’t get so and so’s attention. Or that you haven’t been on a date, unhappy in a relationship, not getting any in the bedroom, or bathroom or wherever. Shut up about your stupid, petty, trivial shit.
Today, a third grader, A 9 YEAR OLD said very matter-of-fact that she wanted to kill herself. Why? Because her mother doesn’t love her. This DESPERATE attempt at attention is appalling. Last Fall, a FIRST GRADER, threatened to off himself by jumping out the window.
So, the next time you feel like whining about your petty, little crap, think about the bigger picture. And send a prayer to the little children.