Thought I had forgotten, eh? Well, sometimes inspiration takes its time to come and well, here we are on the second week of February. I always make a concerted effort to look for some quote or passage for inspiration and this time inspiration came to me while on line getting soup.
It’s always interesting to me how little things can make a difference only if you are mindful of them. Let me explain what I mean by this, or rather, what hit me while on line for soup. Most of us go through life following a path, without really paying attention to what it is that we are doing: whether it’s writing a report for work or washing our hands. We rarely are mindful of these actions. Well, today the skies opened and I finally saw the light (yes and this was a glimpse and this type of clarity doesn’t last long). Suddenly, I was mindful of all the actions I was performing, standing in line, waiting patiently while the woman in front of me was pouring in the warm liquid in her bowl, stepping up and performing the same task as she had.
Let me tell you, my mood changed immediately (not that it had been any special color up until that point), but I suddenly felt better. I was AWARE.
So, for this month’s meditation, and since it’s the shortest month this should be easy, I say: let’s try and practice mindfulness, being aware of the actions we take, the words we say (and the way we say them).