I don’t know what to do. I don’t know what to say. I don’t know where to begin. I happened to be in the office today (a rare occasion in my field) and while on a break from work, a name popped into my head. Kelly. Some of you may remember me writing or talking…
Author: romanagiulia
Writing on Writing. Reading
All I want to say for now is: I am reading Stephen King’s book “On Writing.” ’nuff said. For now.
I Told You To Play!
It has come to my attention, over the course of several years as a matter of fact, that children no longer play. Apparently, I’m not the only one thinking this since there was a New York Times article on the very subject. According to a Kaiser Family Foundation report, children spend on average seven (7)…
Your 15 Minutes Might Be Up
“The figurehead of a hero to mask deep-seated inadequacies.” The figurehead in question is Julian Assange. I feel a bit weary about writing on this particular man because I am one (of a small minority) member of the he’s-not-so-revolutionary-and-should-keep-his-trap-shut camp. Reading articles that hail him as a hero makes me roll my eyes; hearing that Time Magazine…
Traditional vs Unconventional
And I here I thought I was being all unconventional! Last year I celebrated the entrance of the foreboding 2010 by attending a meditation and reflection session at Insight Meditation Center. It was the most enthralling and calming and frustrating experience I’ve had in quite some time; and I learned loads, to boot! It seems,…
Un Blocked
The first step towards solving a problem, is identifying it. I have a problem. I have stopped writing. Or rather, I have stopped blogging. I got stuck. I won’t get in to the plethora of reasons why I did, and what I did instead of writing (cursed Twitter, Facebook, etc…). But I was blocked. Stuck. Immobile. It seems,…
The Tale of Tobias
I wrote this for one of the third grade classes I worked with this year. They enjoyed it, hope you do too. The Tale of Tobias He could hear the crickets in the distance. He had found a nice spot, under a large oak tree. The leaves were moving gently in the breeze, keeping him…
Losing Patience
I believe it’s official. I have lost my patience. I will no longer tolerate anyone, ANYONE who comes up to me with their petty problems. Not after hearing the stories from some of the kids I work with. I don’t care anymore about if so and so isn’t talking to this and that. I don’t…
RoRo Takes a Trip
This post has been a long time coming; much like alot of my writing lately. these are labors of love; carefully planned in my head, they gestate for weeks, sometimes months, before I commit words to paper. I admit, this is not the most efficient way to wrote but, just like Mr. Higgins and Eliza Doolittle, I’ve…
Nine, A Review
Let me preface this by saying that I am a lover of musicals. I am probably more fond of the more “modern” musical such as Cabaret and the rock musical “Jesus Christ Superstar,” but nonetheless a musical fan I am. Now, did the original musical Nine have a solid story line? No, it did not….